=== Master Slider WordPress Plugin === Contributors: averta Tags: slider, image slider, slideshow, video gallery, Requires PHP: 5.4 Requires at least: 4.8 Tested up to: 5.9.0 Stable tag: 3.6.1 License URI: LICENSE.txt == Description == - A premium responsive image and content slider with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions, layer, hotspot and video support == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. e.g. = Uploading in WordPress Dashboard = 1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard 2. Navigate to the 'Upload' area 3. Select `masterslider.zip` from your computer 4. Click 'Install Now' 5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard = Using FTP = 1. Download `masterslider.zip` 2. Extract the `masterslider` directory to your computer 3. Upload the `masterslider` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard Hindi Swar ke 5 words each from अ to अः - irpatech.com

Hindi Swar ke 5 words each from अ to अः

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  • Hindi Swar ke 5 words each from अ to अः
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अ (A):

  1. अकाल (Akaal) – Famine
  2. अमर (Amar) – Immortal
  3. अपना (Apna) – Own
  4. अस्थायी (Asthaayi) – Temporary
  5. अनुभव (Anubhav) – Experience

आ (Aa):

  1. आग (Aag) – Fire
  2. आधार (Aadhaar) – Foundation
  3. आदमी (Aadmi) – Man
  4. आसमान (Aasmaan) – Sky
  5. आप (Aap) – You (respectful form)

इ (I):

  1. इंटरनेट (Internet) – Internet
  2. इंजीनियर (Engineer) – Engineer
  3. इतना (Itna) – So much
  4. इच्छा (Ichha) – Desire
  5. इलाज (Ilaaj) – Treatment

ई (Ii):

  1. ईमानदारी (Imaandaari) – Honesty
  2. ईश्वर (Ishwar) – God
  3. ईद (Eid) – Eid
  4. ईतना (Itana) – This much
  5. ईंधन (Eendhan) – Fuel

उ (U):

  1. उच्च (Uchch) – High
  2. उद्यान (Udyaan) – Garden
  3. उपाय (Upaay) – Solution
  4. उम्मीद (Umeed) – Hope
  5. उपहार (Uphaar) – Gift

ऊ (Uu):

  1. ऊँचा (Ooncha) – High
  2. ऊर्जा (Urja) – Energy
  3. ऊष्मा (Ushmaa) – Heat
  4. ऊट (Oont) – Camel
  5. ऊंचाई (Unchaai) – Height

ए (E):

  1. एक (Ek) – One
  2. एकता (Ekta) – Unity
  3. एकल (Ekal) – Alone
  4. एलान (Elaan) – Announcement
  5. एंड्रॉयड (Android) – Android

ऐ (Ai):

  1. ऐतिहासिक (Aitihaasik) – Historical
  2. ऐश्वर्य (Aishwary) – Wealth
  3. ऐलान (Elaan) – Declaration
  4. ऐसा (Aisa) – Such
  5. ऐंठन (Ainthan) – Effort

ओ (O):

  1. ओर (Or) – Direction
  2. ओखली (Okhli) – Mortar and pestle
  3. ओलंपिक (Olympic) – Olympic
  4. ओस (Os) – Dew
  5. ओटोमेटिक (Automatic) – Automatic

औ (Au):

  1. औषधि (Aushadhi) – Medicine
  2. औरत (Aurat) – Woman
  3. औचित्य (Auchitya) – Relevance
  4. औसत (Ausat) – Average
  5. औद्योगिक (Audyogik) – Industrial

अः (Aha):

  1. अंत (Ant) – End
  2. अंधकार (Andhkaar) – Darkness
  3. अंधविश्वास (Andhavishwas) – Superstition
  4. अंतर (Antar) – Difference
  5. अंतरिक्ष (Antariksh) – Space